Decorative image of model in white Lorna Jane sports bra and hidden heart on inside of sports bras


At Lorna Jane our products are made with love – literally. We hide hearts in all our garments to represent the love that is passed down from designer to garment technician, to manufacturer to QC, from our sales team to you. We hope our products inspire you to live an active life that you love.

Decorative image of waterfall and rainbow lorikeet



At Lorna Jane we believe that sustainability is not a luxury, but the future – and we’re driven to ensure that our communities, planet and environment are just as healthy as the women that wear our Activewear.

We produce only quality products so you can

Buy Better Not More

“Our goal is to change the customers attitude to shopping”

Because when you Buy Better Not More you are saying “no” to the fast fashion industry and making a positive move forward towards sustainability in fashion.

FACT: If as consumers we buy quality over quantity we will buy LESS which will force the fashion industry to make LESS and successfully reduce the negative impacts on our planet.

We know that sustainability starts in our own backyard, so at Lorna Jane:

  • We are transitioning all single use plastics out of our business, and our product packaging is now compostable

  • We continue to develop and utilise more recycled fabrics in our designs and we source reusable and sustainable materials wherever possible

  • Our professional printing uses soy-based inks, water based varnish, chlorine free pulps and have FSC and ISO credentials in environmental sustainability as well as Responsible Foresty Practices

  • We keep unnecessary trucks off the roads and reduce emissions by shipping to our stores direct from our manufacturer

  • Our boxes are made out of recycled materials and are reused across the business

  • Our warehouse’s reuse, repurpose and recycle as much packaging as possible, including soft plastics and cardboard

  • We reduce waste, limit printing, recycle and reuse paper and office supplies

  • Paperless invoicing

Decorative image of model in off white Lorna Jane jacket, sports bra and leggings

We Don’t Do Disposable

We refuse to compromise on quality, so when you choose Lorna Jane you’re investing in Activewear that will look amazing for longer. Buying less and buying better reduces the clothing you discard and saves you money.

Lorna Jane quality also means you can give away, swap or donate Activewear you no longer use, rather than throwing it away.

“We design for Active Living”.

The versatility of our designs means you can compose a wardrobe of fewer pieces that let you do more. Many of our fabrics contain recycled materials and we source recycled and sustainable materials wherever possible.

Caring for our garments is easy and low on energy consumption, so your purchases stay looking their best for longer with minimal impact on the environment.

The Checklist:

1. Go for Quality over Quantity (Buy Better Not More) with everything you buy – investing in quality pieces will SAVE you money in the long term and is better for the environment.

2. Ask yourself does your purchase pass the ’30 Wear Test’ – can you be sure that you will wear it more than 30 times at least and that it will last?

3. Look after your clothes and they will last even longer – follow washing instructions. Wash in cold water and line dry always.

4. Donate, swap or sell your unwanted clothes so they can be loved and worn for even longer.

Decorative image of Lorna Jane t-shirt, sports bra and leggings. Model wearing white top and shorts


Many fashion brands utilise multiple factories that are owned by different companies to manufacture their products based purely on cost, quality or speed of manufacture.

We have maintained a long-term partnership with one dedicated and ethical Australian-owned and managed manufacturing group that produces the majority of Lorna Jane products. This approach allows us more control over working conditions and production quality.

We are focused on continuous improvement and investment in our ethical sourcing program.

We have a clear commitment to paying a living wage for all involved in the manufacture of our products. Our commitment to a living wage is based on the globally recognised Anker Methodology.

Read more about this methodology here

Our requirements for the living wage is outlined in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers as follows:

“Wages and Benefits

Suppliers and subcontractors should pay its male and female employees at least minimum wage or the prevailing industry standard, whichever highest. The amount should be sufficient to cover basic needs for the employee and their family as well as provide some additional income.

Wages and over time premiums and any incentive (or piece) rates should be paid directly to the employee on time and in full.

Suppliers or subcontractors should provide their employees with paid sick leave, annual leave and statutory holidays as required by law or the prevailing industry standard, whichever highest. Women employees are entitled to maternity protection (leave and benefits as well as protection against discrimination) as required by law or the prevailing industry standard, whichever highest.

Childcare benefits and special leave or working time arrangements for workers with family responsibilities shall apply to both men and women.”

During our supplier onboarding process, each supplier must sign our Code of Conduct and agree to proactively meet these requirements within its operations and its supply chain.

We have previously rejected, and will continue to reject, factories that do not meet the global standards and our internal Code of Conduct.

Lorna Jane’s manufacturing partner, is a WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) certified business. WRAP is an independent, non-profit, objective team of global compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world.

WRAP conduct the largest independent factory accreditation program in the world that is based on twelve principles and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

Compliance with Laws and Workplace Relations

Prohibition of Forced Labour

Prohibition of Child Labour

Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse

Compensation and Benefits

Hours of Work

Prohibition of Discrimination

Health and Safety

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining


Customs Compliance


Read more about our wrap certification


Wednesday 24 November 2021

Lorna Jane’s commitment to ethical sourcing and combating modern slavery

At Lorna Jane, we take a very serious view towards our social accountabilities, ethical sourcing and our responsibilities under the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018.

We are focused on continuous improvement and investment in our ethical sourcing program. This includes a commitment to paying a living wage for all involved in the manufacture of our products.

We have also adopted a Modern Slavery Statement as part of our compliance with the Australian Government regulations. This Statement is our primary reporting method, hence our absence from the Oxfam review.

Our commitment to a living wage is based on the globally recognised Anker Methodology ( and is outlined in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers. This Code of Conduct for Suppliers is noted on page 11 of our Modern Slavery Statement.

During our supplier onboarding process, each supplier must sign and agree to our Code of Conduct.

We also require all our suppliers and factories to comply with global manufacturing standards set by the independent, non-profits WRAP — Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production ( and BSCI — Business Social Compliance Initiative ( and our internal Code of Conduct.

Compliance is a high priority for our business. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any factories that do not:

  • pay the living wage to workers
  • pay the correct overtime rates to workers
  • practice appropriate health and safety in the workplace and in dormitories.

We engage independent auditors to annually audit our suppliers and their factories to ensure they continue to comply with WRAP and BSCI standards.

We have previously rejected, and will continue to reject, factories that do not meet the global standards and our internal Code of Conduct.

For more details please see our publicly available Modern Slavery Statement


Further information about our Modern Slavery Statement and ethical sourcing

The vast majority of Lorna Jane’s suppliers are based and operating in Australia. However, our largest spend category is apparel. Our supplier is Australian headquartered and has Gold Standard WRAP certification for apparel manufacturing operation in China. The majority of Lorna Jane products are purchased through this certified supplier.

We regulary audit our suppliers in relation to modern slavery risks.

The following is a summary of the actions Lorna Jane has undertaken to address modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.

1. Due Diligence and Supplier Engagement

  • Comprehensive annual auditing of our apparel manufacturer / supplier using authorised independent auditing organisations dedicated to the promotion and certification of lawful, humane, and ethical manufacturing.
  • Ensuring social compliance certifications are up to date. – Further due diligence on issues relating to social compliance certification.

2. Governance

  • Updated Supplier Code of Conduct to more comprehensively address modern slavery.
  • Updated Contract Provisions to address modern slavery.

3. Operations

  • Established Modern Slavery Working Group.
  • Undertook bespoke Modern Slavery Education and Training.

As Lorna Jane is committed to the ongoing development of its policies and compliance dedicated to the humane and ethical manufacturing, we will continue to address the issue of modern slavery throughout our supply chain to mutually achieve better living conditions.

Further background on WRAP standards

Lorna Jane’s apparel supplier uses the independent non-profit Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) social compliance organisation to undertake audits on their business. They have received a Gold Standard WRAP certification.

A Gold Standard certification is provided when the organisation has met the 12 WRAP principles which are:

  1. Compliance with laws and workplace regulations
  2. Prohibition of forced labour
  3. Prohibition of child labour
  4. Prohibition of harassment or abuse
  5. Compensation and benefits as required by law
  6. Hours of work is limited by law
  7. Prohibition of discrimination
  8. Health and safety
  9. Freedom of association and collective bargaining
  10. Environment
  11. Customs compliance
  12. Security.

According to the WRAP website, “the principles are meant to promote responsible business practices and sustainability in supply chain management and contribute to the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).”



We are committed to providing education, inspiration and opportunities be active, motivate one another and connect as a community in our shared vision for a fitter future.

Some of our key community initiatives are

Decorative image of women doing yoga poses in Lorna Jane activewear